Myyy Reality is a health promotion and transformation channel which shows you how to reverse type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and insulin resistance organically – without the need of meds! Simple life-style changes such as eating ‘clean’, regular exercise, getting sufficient sleep, drinking plenty of water and abstaining from alcohol, fast foods and processed foods is key! If you are struggling with sleep apnoea, mobility issues and high cholesterol then we can show you step-by-step how to get your life back under control: fast! If living your best life is something that you are a fan of, then get-in-touch! You only live once. What have you got to lose?
Myyy Reality aka F.F.T.F (From Fat To Fit) is a health promotion and body transformation journey: From Fat To Fit. It is targeted towards people over 40 with poor health conditions including type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, mobility problems and sleep apnoea.